Аналитика трафика для lazlogistics.ph

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Yandex.SQI for lazlogistics.ph

Visits & Engagement

  On PC & mobile, in the last 6 months

Traffic Sources

 On PC, in the last 3 months. Click on the column for drilldown


Traffic by countries

United States


By popularity Lazlogistics.ph ranked 38th in the World, 3th place in Philippines, 1th place in category "Business and Consumer Services / Shipping and Logistics"

Has moderate positive dynamics in attracting traffic. In the period from april'24 to september'24 the attendance of this site increased from 518 385 714 to 772 514 286 (+39.37%).

For September '2024 there were 640 623 200 visits. The average visitor per session views 22.06 page(s) and spends 45 minute(s) 46 second(s) on the site. At the same time the bounce rate is 17.73%.

The most popular site uses in Philippines, attracting from this country 98.06% of overall traffic.

Structure of traffic sources: the highest traffic "Direct" (80.97%), the second most important "Search" (15.56%), followed by "Referrals" (3.01%), then "Social" (0.42%), then "Mail" (0.03%) and in the last place "Display Ads" with a share 0.00%.


Top Referring Sites:

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Organic Keywords:

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Social Networks


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