Аналитика трафика для fapax.pro

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Yandex.SQI for fapax.pro

Visits & Engagement

  On PC & mobile, in the last 6 months

Traffic Sources

 On PC, in the last 3 months. Click on the column for drilldown


Traffic by countries



By popularity Fapax.pro ranked 125 145th in the World, 6 443th place in Russia, 22th place in category "Community and Society / Holidays and Seasonal Events"

Has clear negative dynamics in attracting traffic. In the period from august'24 to january'25 the attendance of this site decreased from 8 439 400 to 2 120 900 (-119.67%).

For January '2025 there were 316 892 visits. The average visitor per session views 4.77 page(s) and spends 4 minute(s) 34 second(s) on the site. At the same time the bounce rate is 43.18%.

The most popular site uses in Russia, attracting from this country 100.00% of overall traffic.

Structure of traffic sources: the highest traffic "Search" (90.32%), the second most important "Direct" (9.40%), followed by "Referrals" (0.23%), then "Display Ads" (0.03%), then "Social" (0.02%) and in the last place "Mail" with a share 0.00%.


Top Referring Sites:

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Top Destination Sites:

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Organic Keywords:

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Paid Keywords:

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Display Advertising

0.03 %

Top Publishers

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Audience Interests

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