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het agentschap wegen en verkeer is wegbeheerder van autosnelwegen en gewestwegen in vlaanderen. op zoek naar informatie rond wegenwerken? lees hoe wij ons elke dag inzetten voor een vlotte en veilige mobiliteit.
Yandex.SQI for docs.wegenenverkeer.be

Visits & Engagement

  On PC & mobile, in the last 6 months

Traffic Sources

 On PC, in the last 3 months. Click on the column for drilldown


Traffic by countries


Has moderate negative dynamics in attracting traffic. In the period from july'24 to january'25 the attendance of this site decreased from 8 462 to 6 352 (-28.48%).

For January '2025 there were 6 936 visits. The average visitor per session views 1.05 page(s) At the same time the bounce rate is 97.63%.

Structure of traffic sources: the highest traffic "Search" (0.00%), the second most important "Social" (0.00%), followed by "Mail" (0.00%), then "Direct" (0.00%), then "Referrals" (0.00%) and in the last place "Display Ads" with a share 0.00%.


Top Referring Sites:

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Top Destination Sites:

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Organic Keywords:

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Paid Keywords:

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Audience Interests

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