Аналитика трафика для chat.rbbh.ba

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Yandex.SQI for chat.rbbh.ba

Visits & Engagement

  On PC & mobile, in the last 6 months

Traffic Sources

 On PC, in the last 3 months. Click on the column for drilldown


Traffic by countries


Has moderate negative dynamics in attracting traffic. In the period from july'24 to september'24 the attendance of this site decreased from 8 924 to 7 070 (-23.18%).

For September '2024 there were 7 842 visits. The average visitor per session views 1.54 page(s) and spends 29 second(s) on the site. At the same time the bounce rate is 80.19%.

Structure of traffic sources: the highest traffic "Search" (0.00%), the second most important "Social" (0.00%), followed by "Mail" (0.00%), then "Direct" (0.00%), then "Referrals" (0.00%) and in the last place "Display Ads" with a share 0.00%.

World Rank
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Country Rank
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Category Rank
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