Position | Domain | Category |
1 | archive.org | Science and Education / Science and Education |
2 | researchgate.net | Science and Education / Science and Education |
3 | quillbot.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
4 | wiley.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
5 | mdpi.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
6 | nasa.gov | Science and Education / Science and Education |
7 | cnki.net | Science and Education / Science and Education |
8 | livescience.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
9 | libgen.is | Science and Education / Science and Education |
10 | openathens.net | Science and Education / Science and Education |
11 | ieee.org | Science and Education / Science and Education |
12 | jst.go.jp | Science and Education / Science and Education |
13 | sci-hub.se | Science and Education / Science and Education |
14 | futura-sciences.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
15 | cyberleninka.ru | Science and Education / Science and Education |
16 | scitechdaily.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
17 | redalyc.org | Science and Education / Science and Education |
18 | wordcounter.net | Science and Education / Science and Education |
19 | yumpu.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
20 | phys.org | Science and Education / Science and Education |
21 | bg.ac.rs | Science and Education / Science and Education |
22 | brainly.ph | Science and Education / Science and Education |
23 | manuscriptcentral.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
24 | semanticscholar.org | Science and Education / Science and Education |
25 | orcid.org | Science and Education / Science and Education |
26 | science.org | Science and Education / Science and Education |
27 | duplichecker.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
28 | stayfocusd.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
29 | ulaval.ca | Science and Education / Science and Education |
30 | ted.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
31 | umontreal.ca | Science and Education / Science and Education |
32 | studwork.ru | Science and Education / Science and Education |
33 | howstuffworks.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
34 | pku.edu.cn | Science and Education / Science and Education |
35 | vtrahe.tube | Science and Education / Science and Education |
36 | scientificamerican.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
37 | thecalculatorsite.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
38 | typeset.io | Science and Education / Science and Education |
39 | tsinghua.edu.cn | Science and Education / Science and Education |
40 | taylorfrancis.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
41 | dergipark.org.tr | Science and Education / Science and Education |
42 | core.ac.uk | Science and Education / Science and Education |
43 | cnpq.br | Science and Education / Science and Education |
44 | unitconverters.net | Science and Education / Science and Education |
45 | spektrum.de | Science and Education / Science and Education |
46 | tudelft.nl | Science and Education / Science and Education |
47 | bvsalud.org | Science and Education / Science and Education |
48 | newscientist.com | Science and Education / Science and Education |
49 | u-tokyo.ac.jp | Science and Education / Science and Education |
50 | eduid.ch | Science and Education / Science and Education |